MERRAG operates on memberships and donations from the community. Your contributions help fund important resources used throughout Montecito including the MERRAG Communications Van and UHF Radios.
MERRAG is a 501(c)(3) organization Tax ID: 77-0339622. (DO NOT use this number in item 3 below; we're asking there for your personal Contact ID per instructions a, b or c for item 3.)
Complete the following form to use PayPal to pay annual dues and/or donate.
Select your membership/donation option. We invite you to cover the cost so we receive your full dues, but offer an option if you prefer to pay only the basic dues amount. (PayPal charges us 30¢ plus 2.2% for each transaction.)
Please enter an email previously provided us if possible; otherwise the best current email for you.
a. Find your MERRAG ID# (4-digit number starting with 3, 4, 5 or 6 in gray italics) near our logo in the annual letter sent either by US mail or by email.
OR b. If you don't have one of those documents please use this form to get your MERRAG ID# sent to you.
OR c. If neither option works then please leave the ID# field blank and we will contact you by email for further info needed to ensure your contribution is properly attributed, acknowledged and receipted.
Donations in amounts or for purposes other than shown in the dropdown above should be made by cash or check and mailed to:
595 San Ysidro Rd
Santa Barbara CA 93108
Donations can also be made through Cars for Causes. For more information on our Cars for Causes benefit, click here.
© 2023 Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group | Website by Ameravant.