The Montecito Fire District operatea Montecito Information Radio (MIR) at 1610 on your AM dial. MIR is a low-power AM radio station that you can receive on your AM car radio or any other common portable radio that you may already own. MIR's signal covers all of the area encompassed by the Montecito Fire District, and is best recieved with an AM radio that has an external antenna attached.
MIR will broadcast 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. During emergencies, this information may include evacuation routes, expected fire direction, news about utility outages, and so forth. During normal times MIR broadcasts programming of general interest to Montecitans such as up to date localized weather forecasts, road conditions and hazard abatement projects.
Please tune up 1610 on your AM radio right now and make it a point to store MIR on one of your radio's presets so that you will be able to tune in immediately in case of emergency.
© 2023 Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group | Website by Ameravant.